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In This Issue:
An evening of wine, chocolate, jewelry and art – what could be better? The fact that all of the proceeds of this special evening support the Friends of BWH, that’s what.
The Friends are hosting “A Chocolate, Wine and Art Affair” on Friday, Feb. 3, at the historic Liberty Hotel in Boston. Guests will have the opportunity to bid on at least 25 pieces of art during a silent auction and peruse a selection of jewelry for sale, all while enjoying samples of wine and chocolate.
“This promises to be a fabulous event, and we encourage all employees and staff to attend,” said Amy Yunes, president of the Friends of BWH. “The proceeds support a cause near and dear to all of our hearts.”
A portion of the proceeds will go toward the funding of the new BWH and DFCI blood mobile. When the blood mobile arrives, it will host blood drives throughout the state, bringing in extra blood vital to patient care.
“Operating this bloodmobile will strengthen the capacity of our Blood Donor Center to deliver quality and cost-effective patient care by ensuring a continuous supply of all blood types,” said Yunes.
A Chocolate, Wine and Art Affair Friday, Feb. 3, at 6:30 p.m. Liberty Hotel Rotunda, 215 Charles St. Tickets are $50 in advance, or $60 at the door. Contact Nicole Evans at for tickets.
what is the correct date? Feb 3rd is a sunday. is it friday the 1st or the 8th
Hi Claire, this is last year's preview of "A Chocolate, Wine and Art Affair." This year's event will be held Friday, Feb. 8. Stay tuned for a preview of this year's event in an upcoming issue of BWH Bulletin. You can also find more information about the event in the bullets section of our recent Bulletin issues. Thanks for reading!
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