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In This Issue:
Heart disease claims the lives of one in three women each year. Help raise awareness of heart disease and the need for lifesaving treatments and research by wearing red on Feb. 3—National Wear Red Day. All BWHers who wear red are invited to participate in a heart-shaped group photo on Feb. 3. Come to the Tower Lobby at 12:15 p.m. to be arranged in a heart shape. Go Red Day is sponsored by the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women movement.
Enhance the life of a young child by spending just one lunch a week at an elementary school within walking distance from BWH. Elementary school children are paired one-to-one with BWH volunteer mentors for conversation over lunch and reading a book aloud. Information sessions will be held Feb. 1, noon-1 p.m. 1 Brigham Circle, fourth floor room 2B. RSVP to Pamela Audeh at or call 617-264-8740.
Partners HealthCare, BWH, the Center for Community Health and Health Equity and the Center for Surgery and Public Health host ‘A Celebration of the Legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,’ featuring guest speaker John Payton, president and director-counsel of the NAACP Defense and Educational Fund, Feb. 10, 2–3 p.m., in the Bornstein Amphitheater. A reception follows in the Pod B Cafeteria. For details, call Partners Employee Programs at 617-724-3965.
Save on taxes and put aside money for retirement. Representatives from Fidelity Investments, TIAA-CREF and/or VALIC, are available for appointments on the Tower 2 mezzanine in January. Visit BWHPike- for a list of dates and contact information to schedule your appointment.
The amount of tuition reimbursement for all eligible employees has been increased by $600. Reimbursement is available to assist those looking to go back to college or take a seminar that would improve job performance within the organization. For more information about benefits and eligibility, find the policy on under the hyperlink Tuition Reimbursement. For any additional questions, please contact the tuition reimbursement coordinator at 617-582-0150.
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