Residents Applaud Nursing Mentors
Brigham and Women's/Faulkner Hospitals' nurses are well known for providing excellent patient care, and some extend that care to another population in need of nurturing-medical residents. These nurses surpass traditional job responsibilities and assume the roles of mentors by imparting their experience and skill to help residents develop into competent practitioners. Last month, residents expressed their gratitude by formally honoring nine nurses with 2005 Medical Housestaff Nursing Awards.
“This is our opportunity to acknowledge nurses who do a superlative job not only of caring for patients, but caring for us,” said Chuck Morris, MD, chief resident, as he, event co-chair Kathryn Finnerty, MD, and program director Bruce Levy, MD, welcomed nurses and guests to the May 5 ceremony in Carrie Hall.
A committee of medical residents had their work cut out for them as they selected nine winners among the 48 outstanding nominees. The winners are Brenda Bailey, Cathy Blast, Carole Chapin, Marian Fitzgerald, Ludwine Jean-Jacques, Jeff Kwong, Nancy Mahan, Danilo Mupas and Gary Zina.
These nurses each bring personal touches to their work, but share certain attributes that helped to guide residents through the highly challenging first months on the job. Remaining calm in crises, taking pride in work, providing quality patient care, maintaining positive attitudes and understanding the needs of patients were common threads throughout each resident's presentation.