BICS Changes to Op Notes, Discharge Summaries, Dictated Notes
All dictated notes now upload directly to the queue of the clinician who dictates the note. Instruction cards are available through the HIS Department for those who are not familiar with the BICS editing functions. The new process is:
• If the note is dictated by a resident or physician assistant, it will upload to their BICS queue and will be available for seven days for review, editing and signing.
• After the report is signed, or after seven days, it will automatically migrate to the attending physician’s BICS queue, where it will remain for an additional 21 days for review and signing.
• If the attending feels that changes are necessary, a dictated addendum will be required.
Op Notes and Discharge Summaries
You are now required to:
• Choose option 10 for an Op Note or option 20 for an Op Note Addendum. You will hear these options when you dial 617-525-6636 to dictate an Op Note.
• Choose option 19 to dictate an Addendum. You will hear this option when you dial 617-832-5333 to dictate a discharge summary.
Future enhancements will include an automatic linkage of addendums and the original report for printing purposes, as well as improved functionality for editing notes in BICS. Contact Georgette Wilson at 617-732-5599 with questions and Transcription Support at 617-732-7472 for assistance editing a note.