Single, Toll-free Number Serves DF/BWCC Patients
Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center (DF/BWCC) patients and families, as well as referring physicians, can now call one toll-free number—877-DFCI-BWH (877-332-4294) – to inquire about services or request an appointment, instead of having to choose from several numbers at BWH or DFCI.
The new number functions within the call center established at BWH in 1995 to improve access for new hospital patients and service to referring physicians. Two dedicated referral coordinators, Genet Mehari and Riolla Riobe, have joined the call center team to answer the new line and triage calls. Interdisciplinary DF/BWCC workgroups for technology, operations, and marketing planned the transition.
The single phone number is a key component of a larger plan to improve access to DF/BWCC for new patients. The Access Initiative, which began in 2005, also is working toward being able to offer new patients a first appointment within two weeks of their request, streamlining the process for obtaining pathology reports before the first visit and sending some advance materials to patients by e-mail.