Communicating Critical Test Results
A team of representatives from Patient Safety, Risk Management, Compliance and Nursing Quality in June drafted and received approval for a new hospital-wide policy to outline the process of identifying and communicating critical test results.
The policy, “Communication of Diagnostic Test Results,” applies to all clinical areas, laboratories and departments that request or perform tests or generate results at BWH locations. It will be distributed at the next Communication for Critical Test Results steering committee meeting to members for dissemination and implementation.
A number of result-generating areas have policies in place and have implemented processes to ensure reliable communication of critical results. These areas include Anatomical Pathology, Clinical Lab, Endoscopy, Radiology, ECG and ECHO. These areas have incorporated auditing strategies in order to measure compliance with this patient safety goal.
The new policy will help the hospital improve communication and comply with the second JCAHO National Patient Safety Goal: improve the effectiveness of communication among caregivers.